I'm going to write you in as my choice for Vice-President in all those emails I get from Trump. You should at least serve as his Countering MSM Czar.

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I don't think there are many big savings/checking accounts just sitting around that they can 'dip into' to willy nilly (and then redistribute the dollars as they see fit).. which these scheming clowns now unashamedly compete (against each other) to see who can dip deeper into any type of 'set asides' and/or future entitlements that may have accrued-usually by replacing all the cash with their worthless IOU's (which they have no plans of ever repaying and/or that someone else will have to answer for down the road). They are absolutely dependent upon the constant inflow of cash coming in daily.. most of it from payroll taxes and the numerous other schemes they've ALL helped implement, that require more of our 'fair share' (be sent to them). If we could just come up with a way to legally reduce, postpone, and/or delay (but not shirk) sending our cash to them.. and there are many legitimate reasons available for this.. we could cut the incoming cash flow they need (and are counting on to finance their self-serving schemes and boondoggles) back substantially. How long would it take for them to start really feeling the heat from this intentional lack of 'revenue' (which they had been enjoying)???

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Rene, you so keenly yet so poignantly write, "What makes these people think we should continue to support a country we have very little to do with..."

I agree; We, the People of the US, have very little to do with the Ukrainian people. We don't have that much in common in a strategic sense. What we do share is tourism and a considerable handful of notable Ukrainians whose families escaped communism to become US citizens (and good for them). Folks like: Mila Kunis, Leonard Nimoy, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Palance, William Shatner, Walter Matthau, and Danny Kaye, to name a few. (It appears that a lot of actors have roots from Ukraine.) And let me just add that the United States is all the better for it.

But strategically?... we the People don't have a natural, vital connection with Ukraine. Yet, the overt push to continue funding that futile conflict in the Donbas region and beyond heavily suggests that someone is benefiting from it. I wanna know WHO... cuz' We the People sure ain't. All it's doing for us to is to push us further and further into a debt that we can ill afford to pay as it is. Said differently, that "WHO" is writing checks that forces us, We the People, to pay for it, and I am sooooo done with such political thievery.

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